Nourishing Journey for Kids with Autism/ADHD (Glutenfree/Casein free & – Simple Spectrum Solutions SA

Nourishing Journey for Kids with Autism/ADHD (Glutenfree/Casein free & Keto Recipe ebook)

Simple Spectrum Solutions SA

Regular price R 230.00

Nourishing Journey for kids with Autism/ADHD."


This cookbook is a labor of love, crafted to support families navigating the unique dietary needs of children on the autism and ADHD. My goal is to transform mealtime into a positive and nourishing experience, celebrating the diverse tastes and nutritional requirements of these exceptional kids.


Why This Cookbook?


Cooking for children with autism and ADHD presents distinctive challenges and opportunities. This cookbook recognizes the importance of tailored recipes that not only adhere to specific dietary guidelines but also embrace the individual preferences and sensitivities of each child.


Understanding the Journey


We understand that every family's journey is different, filled with twists and turns. This cookbook serves as a culinary companion, offering recipes designed to accommodate the dietary restrictions often associated with autism and ADHD while maintaining a focus on flavor, variety, and balanced nutrition.


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